
General terms of delivery


  • Ordering is only possible for registered members of this website.

  • Prices include VAT and are stated in euros.

  • We supply, among other things:

    • Downloads. This includes: electronic goods and services such as audio files, e-books, videos and web pages.

      • The content is subject to a 'duty of best efforts'. We do not guarantee that you will enjoy the content.

      • The basic quality is subject to a 'duty to achieve a specific result': good sound quality in mp3's, good readability for e-books.

      • It is not technically possible to deliver these products 'on sight'. An order is final as soon as payment has been received. In principle, we DO NOT return MONEY.

    • Personal documents. This includes: An electronic document, such as an mp3 or pdf file, containing personal information created for you. For example, a Runic-tarot reading with explanation or an mp3 with a special TRANCE FORMATION made for you.

      • The content is subject to a 'duty of best efforts' and not to a 'duty to achieve a specific result'. See below for the concepts.

      • It is not technically possible to deliver these products 'on sight'. An order is final as soon as payment has been received. In principle, we DO NOT return MONEY.

      • We can refuse to provide this service without giving reasons. We will do this if, among other things, we do not have time or if we do not expect to deliver a good result.

    • Personal services. Examples:

      • Personal conversations by phone, via computer, email or physically in our centre.

      • Personal training, initiation, courses.

      • Meetings for several people such as lectures, trainings, workshops, courses.

      • This is subject to a 'duty of best efforts' and no obligation to achieve results. See below for the concepts.

      • It is not technically possible to deliver these 'on sight'. An order is final as soon as payment has been received. In principle, we DO NOT RETURN ANY MONEY, unless this is expressly stated in the relevant service and you meet the conditions. This can happen, for example, if you have registered for a physical course and you cancel on time.

      • We can refuse to provide this service without giving reasons. We will do this if, among other things, we do not have time or if we do not expect to deliver a good result. In the case of a physical course or lecture, this can also be the case if there are too many or too few registrations.

    • Personal physical products. Examples:

      • Essential oils. Mixtures of essential oils are used in some online courses. There is no purchase obligation for these oils. These oils are made for you after ordering. Because it concerns special tailor-made orders, we cannot take them back or return money.


Postage costs:

  • We do not (of course) charge postage costs for downloads or electronic services, unless we agree with you by email that these are delivered on CD, DVD or USB stick. If we agree delivery on CD, DVD or USB stick, then this is a special customized order. You can not return it.


Payment and delivery:

  • You can pay online with credit card, IDEAL, SOFORT Banking, Bancontact / Mister Cash, Belfius Direct Net. It is possible to pay by bank transfer and PayPal.

  • Downloads: Once the amount due has been paid, downloads will be released. If something goes wrong when releasing downloads, please send an email. We then correct the error as quickly as possible, usually within 24 hours.

  • Personal documents: After processing the payment we will send you an email about the further procedure. It may take some time before a personal document is ready.

  • Personal services: After processing the payment we will send you an email about the further procedure. In the case of personal telephone calls or personal internet chats, these are held in mutual agreement.

  • Personal physical products: After processing the payment we will send you an email about the further procedure. Usually these are made and sent within a few days after processing the payment. If certain ingredients (eg essential oil) are not in stock, it can take a little longer.



If you have complaints and / or questions,

  • you can send them with the contact form. If you have paid for an order, you automatically have the possibility to send complaints or ask questions regarding this order. After logging in you will see your orders in the members menu. With every order is a form for complaints and questions.

  • can you send an email:




  • Duty of best efforts: (Article 5.1.4. To the extent that an obligation of a party involves a duty of best efforts in the performance of an activity, that party is bound to make such efforts as would be made by a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances.) The obligation for us to make an effort to provide you with the best possible service. There is no duty to achieve a specific result. We do not guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result. But we do guarantee, that we will give you excellent service.

  • Duty to achieve a specific result: (Article 5.1.4. To the extent that an obligation of a party involves a duty to achieve a specific result, that party is bound to achieve that result.) The obligation to deliver a product that meets minimum requirements. (You should expect a washing machine to work normally for five years.)

    • You can expect from our mp3's that they are of reasonable sound quality. We can not guarantee that you will find them 'nice' or 'beautiful' or 'useful'.

    • You can expect from our documents (pdf's) that they are easy to read with regular equipment. We can not guarantee that you will find the content 'good' or 'useful'.

  • Physical course: A course where you are physically present.

  • Online course: A course that you can follow wherever you want. Usually in the form of electronic files and services.



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and I am firmly against privacy violations.


This site respects your privacy. Read here more about it.

How to navigate these websites


This website has a lot of pages and a lot of information. This page will give you information about how to navigate these websites.

Who and what is Firewolf


Firewolf about spiritual subjects

Firewolf about science and spirituality

Information about consultations and healings

Andreas Firewolf is a shamanic healer. But he does NOT heal your physical body. For physical diseases you should consult a medical professional.


Nine layers

A model of the cosmos

This is a description of a model of the cosmos. A new cosmology. This model has nine three-dimensional layers. Several forces connect these layers through the fourth dimension.

Most people believe, that they can see the physical world, but that is not possible. Our senses perceive an abstraction of the physical word. What we 'see' is a mental image of the world.

Man and god

A modern vision of man and god.


Anima Mundi is the soul of the world. Individual people can be seen as 'nerve cells of the earth'. Humanity can be seen as 'the nervous system of the earth'. Is the totality of humanity causing a higher consciousness? Is Anima Mundi self-conscious?

Gaia and Anima Mundi

According to the Gaia hypothesis, the earth is a living being. Anima Mundi is the world soul, who gives life to the earth.

We can compare individual people with individual nerve cells in the human body. And humanity as the nervous system of Mother Earth.

Questions: Does Anima Mundi have self-awareness? Does humanity collectively form a self-conscious being? Do we as humanity enable the self-awareness of Anima Mundi?

The Harmful Consequences of Selfishness

You can solve problems together with others!


Don't be a green frog that lets itself boil because it doesn't dare to jump out of its comfort zone. Jump out of your pan and become a fully human!

Spiritual Materialism pollutes the astral worlds

Materialism is the attachment to possessions, status or wealth. Spiritual materialism is the attachment to spiritual status, attachment to a particular belief. The idea that you are higher because you have a certain faith, or follow a certain spiritual teaching, is an expression of spiritual materialism.

Spiritual materialism is also the use of spiritual means to achieve selfish earthly goals.

Mental, emotional and sentimental hygiene

Today (2018) there are many non-physical epidemics. One epidemic of madness and/or idiocy is not over and the next is already on its way.

Non-physical epidemics arise from lack of:

Save the world or save yourself?

There is nothing wrong with the world

Change yourself

The world is changing

How do you save yourself?

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