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The Runic Tarot has three parts

24 Runes of the older Futhark

25 Runic cards

Four Elements: Ice, Fire, Sea and Wind

4 Times 12 worlds of Yggdrasil

And we start with Ginnunga-gap.

Four classes: Warriors, Leaders, Freemen and Bondsmen

For each class five types:

The Ætir of Úrð

The first eight Runes belong to the Ætir of Úrð.

The Ætir of Róta

The second eight Runes belong to the Ætir of Róta.

The Ætir of Skuld

The third eight Runes belong to the Ætir of Skuld.

Courage, power, leadership
The birch-twig, the dark moon
The healing power of the were-bear, Bersekr
Intuition, the Star
the tidal waves, the tides, the Moon
The Sea, the journey
The Fire, the Higher Self, the divine
The fool, the drifter
The Dawn
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